Where have all the Farmers gone?

August 19, 2010 2 Comments

Dear Universe:

Please forgive us, for we know not what we do.

Please send light to the hearts of those who see cement instead of fields, roads instead of forests and money instead of clean air and water.

Please send wisdom to the Government, ask them to connect with themselves and ask who is going to grow our food? Where are our children going to play? Where are all the animals going to go?

Please send love to those who have filled their hearts and minds with greed, help them to see that this is not the way.

There is another way.

I just drove through North Mississauga and tears streaked down my face and into my heart. They are developing it all, all the fields, all the forests, all the little critters, insects, deer, coyote, where are they going to go? What are they doing?

how can they do this?

I feel angry, I feel sad, hopeless... I can't!!!

I have to look ahead, be inspired, scream out from the depths of my lungs....

What can we do? What can you do?

Love your local farmers! Go to markets, demand local produce from form grocery stores, support those lovely souls who have tilled the soil for generations whose hands are rough with earthly love. Who are being forced to sell their land, their farms, their  heritage for houses, more and more houses.....

Love those critters, those meadow musicians... those howling coyotes and those prancing Deer.. Love it all... embrace it, cherish it, and give thanks, they are still here.

Support them, love them, thank them, for they are disappearing....

Grow your food, plant a garden, write a letter.

Anything!!  Just don't settle. Why buy tomatoes from California when it is tomato season?

We are worth it, we owe it to ourselves, we owe it to the earth for we are all connected, we need green, we need nutrients we need to change our ways.

Please from the bottom of my aching heart

Let's keep our farmers working, our critters running and our animal relatives howling... I just can't imagine a world without them.


2 Responses


April 13, 2017

yes! I absolutely agree….


April 13, 2017

I totally agree, it’s sickening. It’s difficult to drive around our cute little town and see the metropolis slowly (quickly!) infringing on our farmland. The other day I was looking for asparagus at the super-evil (RCSS) and saw that it was from PERU! It’s SUMMERTIME people! It’s hard not to want to move far far north where the development won’t touch us…but I feel the need to stay here and fight!
Yay for Downtown G’town Wednesday farmer’s market! And thank you Naomi for such an inspiring blog!

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