Returning to the Heart!!
June 18, 2010
There comes a time in everyone's life when it takes you on tight curvy roads, steep hills and roadblocks... Then there are the days when you wish you were driving a convertible to soak up the warm breeze, the blue skies and the sweet scents all around you: smooth sailing!
There is so much that I have wanted to share and haven't due to a deep internal process that I feel I have needed to honour and keep within.
This explains my absence online.... my lack of communication.... I carry with me Bear medicine..... sometimes I use it when I shouldn't... Hybernating when I should be outside singing with the chorus of the world.... other times, there is a need to go within, a need to give time to slow down, incorporate important change... Time to allow, let go and trust instead of holding on and living within the past and the future...
SOOOOOOO, what the heck has happened in my life you all may be wondering... well, I am going to give it to you short and sweet...
A few months ago my father ended up in the hospital and stayed there for over a month... This was a very trying time for our family... It was also a very sobering experience spending time in the hospital... they are certainly not places one goes to heal!!
Fast forwarding to spring, my father unfortunately moved into a nursing home, due to his degenerating condition and within two weeks my mother decided to sell the family home... ALOT of change in a very small amount of time...
I had been working through a very deep internal process already, and once spring came I felt the changes coming and I decided to embrace each painful and sweet inch on it....
Since coming back from Costa Rica, I feel like a new person.... I eat well, I feel energized, ready to learn and accept all that moves along my path.. Within this, came a rearrangement of priorities... Top priority: Health, Love and Happiness.... I never want to compromise my peace of mind, my heart and soul and my physical health for money or stress.... It's just not worth it...
Stress has a way of seeping in, however we can notice when it does, allow it to be there, and allow it to move along!!!
Opal Wing Creations has been a long and INCREDIBLE almost 6 year journey for me, I worked my fingers to the bone, stayed up on the computer till wee hours of the morning.. ran around like a chicken with my head cut off... I can't do that anymore...
I need to sail smooth and steady... keeping my wits about me... staying alive and free... Allowing all the creative forces within me to flow when the time comes... not to force things that are not ready to be.
This venture is a soulful one, full of blood, sweat, tears, joy and most important LOVE! so cheers to that !
I really felt like I needed to share tonight, I have been awfully selfish lately, taking walks, preparing food, and keeping the studio tucked away in my little magic world...
I am ready to start letting some of this joy, insight and wisdom seep through my fingers to yours.... I thank you for your patience, for understanding me, and for your LOVE and kind words... They truly mean the world to me....
I am now embarking on a very adventurous summer... next week I am off to the Grail Springs Spa in Bancroft for an amazing event called "Lady Faire" please check it out, I am sooo excited.... what a job, I get to swim, canoe, horseback ride, meet fabulous women, do yoga and feature some of my work... What a blessing!!! After that I am going to Winnipeg to help my dear friend Katie sell some seriously cool stuffed dudes as well as other amazing wares at the Winnipeg folk fest... then off to the Muskokas for some summer art shows, and then will be returning full circle to Bancroft for it's infamous Rock Hound Gemboree... I am not quite sure how I will pull this off in one month, but today I feel like superwoman, so I am going to embrace this momentum, at least for the time being!!!
NOW, you have been so patient... thanks for coming, thanks for reading and thank you for your love!!! I am also going to stop promising to update my etsy shop... I don't know why its not happening, its just not... so I am going with it... If you love any of these pieces just drop me a line and they can fly home to you if it is meant to be!
here are some sweet opalicous treats for you all, they are created with my own two hands... born from dreams and will journey near and far... they are from me to you!
[caption id="attachment_422" align="alignleft" width="400" caption=""Blissed out" with Black Opal $395"]


[caption id="attachment_424" align="alignleft" width="400" caption=""unveiling" with RARE Boulder Opal, Blue Tourmaline $435"]


[caption id="attachment_426" align="alignleft" width="400" caption=""In the Mist" with stinking plume agat and blue opal - SOLD"]

[caption id="attachment_427" align="alignleft" width="400" caption=""HOME" with blue boulder opal $295 (Inspired by the home tree from the movie AVATAR)"]

[caption id="attachment_428" align="alignleft" width="400" caption=""LOVE" with Watermelon Tourmaline $295 ( I seriously love this ring!!!)"]

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April 13, 2017
Be well and happy my dear…. : )