Hello Dearests:
Can you believe how fast the time is passing by?
It has been eons since my words and thoughts have touched these pages...
I don't even know where to begin.... Life moves on, faster and faster it seems... the days in the studio fly by, and my mind just doesn't seem to work the same anymore!!
I will save my baby brain entry for another day....
today I am thrilled to be celebrating my darling little munchkin's 10 month birthday!!! I am so excited! I have some absolutely STUNNING photos to share with you...
We will catch up soon, I promise...
I have so much new work, it just seems so hard to photograph it all...
Stay tuned, some beauties will be hitting these pages very soon!!!
For now, I just have to share these...
I have so much to be grateful for...
For all of you who have come to the shows, bought online and came to the studio to met Fern and supported my work...
From the bottom of my heart... I THANK YOU ALL!
You can see what your support has manifested.... this beautiful healthy happy baby....
I am just gushing with love and gratitude these days... gushing with joy, and gushing with all my heart!!!
Baby Fern, 10 months old!!!
[caption id="attachment_923" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Comments will be approved before showing up.
April 13, 2017
Oh my goodness… isn’t she the most beautiful little thing ever?! :) So full of life and fun!! :) Thank you so much for sharing. And you lovely Naomi, look so full of happiness, it comes through bright and clear….
I always love to see your new peices, Can’t wait until you post them! I wish I lived much closer so I could visit your studio every few weeks, but I am grateful for this space that connects us here, and of course, wearing your lovely peices and giving them away as gifts is a wonderful connection as well.
Love and Hope to you and your delightful family!