Lost and Found in LOVE

May 26, 2016 4 Comments

Lost and Found in LOVE

Time moves Fast.... So fast when you are lost in the love of life....

Little feet running here and there.

When my children were born, I experienced a love so profound that words could not even come close to describe the feelings inside....

It was in this Love, that I lost myself.

Most mothers could say the same.

There is both sadness and joy in this Love and Lost.

Today, I am in LOVE and FOUND, all together.

A Flame rekindled and LOVE burning strong in my heart.

Love for everyone and everything.

the scents in the air, the sounds of birds singing, the various shades of green watching the world come alive.

AND of course simply pure gratitude that I get to live this life, with those who I have chosen, those who have chosen me, and all those in passing.

Coming back from Mexico was like a reset button for me. We came Home.

Before it felt new and a wee bit unfamiliar.

Today I feel settled, my bare feet sinking in the cool earth and green moss settled.

I don't need to go anywhere. I am completely satisfied where I am.

Everything around me is fitting together like an easy puzzle.

All I can say is Thank you.

There is Life all around the Woodland Studio.... and Magic within it.

I am sooooo excited to share what is coming....

The studio is coming together and I am preparing to open the doors for the first time!

It's grand opening time.

Please save the date:

June 25th and 26th

Details will come, but for now, just put it on your calendar:

Take a Country Drive, Connect with Nature and Visit the Woodland studio.

Everything else will simply fall into place if it is meant to be.

Here is sneak peek into the studio.....

IMG_1763 "The Woodland Studio"IMG_1735IMG_1731

Sharing this LOVE with an open Heart.

In gratitude.



4 Responses


April 13, 2017

So much wisdom in this post….. I can feel your contentment! ?

nancy mcneill-dwhytie
nancy mcneill-dwhytie

April 13, 2017

Where are you located? With Thanks and Gratitude, Nancy

Date: Fri, 27 May 2016 02:13:12 +0000 To: nancymdwhytie@hotmail.com


April 13, 2017

Hi Nancy
We are just west of Meaford. About 15 minutes north of thornbury. I will be sending out the address shortly!

Leslie Pallante
Leslie Pallante

April 13, 2017

I love your heart you share with such openess always. Refected in those magical pieces evey ti.e and wishing you so much growth here in your new studio Naomi!

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