I think I love Agates too!!!!!
March 18, 2010
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Good day sweet ones!! Yes it is... sunshine, a light breeze, black stained fingertips from polishing.. (I must divulge... I am soooo proud of my matty little hands... they are so filthy and callysed, rough and tough, although, I am a softy..) They make me feel strong and hardcore... Its the same way I feel when I walk into Pricess Auto or Canadian tire...
All the clerks see a little fairy, hipster, barely 5 feet tall, they probably wonder what the heck I may be looking for.... but what they don't know:
I LOVE Tools! I LOVE getting dirty, I love files, heavy anvils, rust, oil and safety glasses... and most of all I LOVE to surprise people!!! that's right folks, never, ever, ever judge a book by it's cover!!
There's my little word of wisdom for today.. It must be all these agates, they make be stable... they give me strength and confidence, I feel like I am grounded when I work with agates....
Yay for these lovely earthly wonders!!
Here are some of the fruits of my lovely filthy hands, hard working, dedicated and tough!!!
The first is a lovely plume agate, the second a STUNNING Agua Nueva Agate and I also just had to throw in a bit of Atlantisite, since its spring and all!!!
Please drop me a line, let me know how your doing! If these lovelies make it through the weekend you can find them in my etsy shop first thing next week!!!!

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April 13, 2017
wow! these are truly stunning! amazing stones and amazing design work… wow!