Tales of a growing belly....

August 06, 2011

Dearest Sweet Peas:

It has been a while.... too long.... but I have some tales to tell....

Tales of my growing belly...

Tales of wiggling and kicking and dancing and flipping...

Most of all Tale of an unexplainable Love

Words cannot describe what life has been like, how I LOVE this journey and growing a baby in my belly...This for me has been the ultimate experience, my ultimate passion and love... Full of joy, peace, tears, new discoveries, un-comfort, love, awe, honour,  and complete humility.

So Far, this is what the baby likes:

Flute Music




Eating, especially mint chocolate ice cream

Opals, Tourmaline and sparkly stones

heavy metal music

bagels with smoked salmon and creme cheese

Emiliano's voice


Carrot Juice

my ribcage (ouch)

The Baby doesn't like:




TV, movies


people who upset mommy

greens powder (but too bad cause its good for both of us)


a grumbling belly

I am ecstatic to be in diving into baby land soon.... Shows have been great... exhausting...

Thank you for all your lovely support ....  The  pieces  that follow you home these days come from a deep creation process, and it has been truly magnificent.

thank you for keeping me creating, keeping me on my toes.... you overwhelm my with joy and assurance.

My Baby thanks you

I have so much new work, and have not had the time to photograph any of it.... All I can say, is come by for a visit... come to a show, e-mail me and come to the studio before September 9th (my official maternity leave)

In the meantime I am focusing on food and belly, preparing to give birth and to transition into motherhood.

What an experience.

I want to breath it all in, drink it all up and simmer myself in the essence of this precious time.

Anyways, here are some tales, here is my belly with babe:

[caption id="attachment_801" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="27 weeks"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_803" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="28 weeks"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_805" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="belly art"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_808" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="31 weeks"][/caption]    

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