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September 25, 2009

Hey Folks! Hope you have a very productive week!!! Well, I realized that I had some REALLY exciting news and then fell short with my newsletter.... soooo, I would like to introduce you to a new member or our family!! IMG_1082 Meet our BIG Ginger!!! Now Ginger has a story of his own, however he's only told me part of it. Early August Ginger showed up at the Mill, he didn't want to tell me where he had come from or what had happened to him, however he was hungry and looking for a home. He meowed outstide my door on a thundery rainy afternoon and I let him in... He immediately made himself comforatable in my studio.... I had no food, so I went to check at the pub to see if they had lost a cat, or if they knew of anyone who was looking for a big long haired ginger cat... so they gave me some food, and he gobbled it up like there was no tomorrow!!! Long story short, ginger spent a week with me in the studio and I was waiting for permission from out landlords to see if we could adopt him.. and then.... he disappeared... on a Rainy Saturday morning, I went to his little perch on the porch of the yellow building to feed him and then later in the afternoon, he was no where to be seen! This was heart wrentching as that week featured some of the greatest thunderstorms I have ever seen!!! I kept on thinking of him in the rain somewhere.... Fast forward to another week later when I was walking by the glass blowers and my friend Sky Tree mentioned that she had taken her cat to the vet and someone had dropped off a long haired VERY FRIENDLY ginger cat.... so I called the Vet, and it was him!!! So here he is, he is settled in now, he is a grumpy old guy at times, but an olympic champion in PUrring.... WE LOVE HIM!!! he loves sardines and salmon, and I think his athristis is getting better twith the Glucosamine treats I give him!!! IMG_1086   Ok, so now you have met ginger, so lets give you a bit of a sneak peak of what I've been up to this week!!! DSC06232 DSC06184 DSC06269 DSC06273                                                                                                                                   DSC06277                               There's more to come soon!! Stay Tuned!! Off to the studio, Cheerio, xoxoNaomi

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