Community Rocks!!
January 10, 2010
Good Morning!!!
well, all I can say, is that I have had this amazingly overwhelming warm and fuzzy feeling the last few days!!!
I have spent some time with some wonderful inspiring souls, and been part of an AMAZING testiment to communities and people coming together for the good of all!!!
It is sooooo important to realize how lucky we all are, be thankful and realize that each moment counts! I am pleased to say that I have finally settled into more of a relaxation mode and am enjoying long walks and less time in the studio!! Although I have to say that I am soooooo excited about going to Tucson!!! I can barely sleep at night, dreaming of all the amazing opals that are waiting for me to come and scoop them up and take them home with me!
I have a some new fresh pieces to share with you, they will be listed on the etsy shop by tomorrow, so please check them out!!! ENJOY!!
[caption id="attachment_265" align="alignleft" width="400" caption="Returning to the Heart - Green Tourmaline"]

[caption id="attachment_266" align="alignleft" width="400" caption="Divine Connections - with Ammolite and Ammonite fossil"]

[caption id="attachment_267" align="alignleft" width="400" caption="Vital Growth - Ammolite"]

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