Being in the Heart!!!
November 16, 2009
Hello Lovelies, sorry its been so long since my last post...
The weather has been so amazing, I had to taek advantage of the sunshine and bask in his great heat and Vitamin D intake.
It seems as though the last couple weeks, we have been moving full throttle through a very strange and intense time..
With this whole H1N1 Hype and the releasing of the movie 2012, its seems as though the contemplation for disasters and apocalyptic thinking have been forefront...
SOOOO, I wanted to share some inner pearls of wisdom today.
There are so many theories and prophecies about where we are in the world today and where we are heading.... So much of what is being spoon fed on the news and in the theatres takes the control away from us.
The secret is to take the control back within each of your lives, life in the Heart, be who you are truly, and don't get caught up with the news and all the fear that is being dished out.
Being in the Heart isn't always easy, but is where we truly need to be. Releasing, forgiving, honoring and connecting is where these true prophecies talk about where we are heading....
Many people I know (including myself) have been working on deep internal emotional levels to release and clear old burdens, fears, pains and habits which we tend to carry with us for unreasonably long times...This is all happening at the moment, because it needs to.... for a postive shift to happen, we need to be in the Heart, existing truly within ourselves, not our ego, or desires or greed, just in the heart. If something feels wrong, say something or don't partake in it, Smile, Hug and let someone in your lane of traffic!!!!
We all have a choice... so lets turn all this doomsday energy around and emanate Love, Understanding, Kindness and Truth!
In Light of all this internal cleansing I have since done, here are two very important pieces, which to me, represent being in the Heart!!!
[caption id="attachment_152" align="alignleft" width="400" caption="Being in the Heart"]

[caption id="attachment_153" align="alignleft" width="400" caption="Basking in the light"]

On a lighter note, I am preparing to go to Fair November this weekend which is a lovely Art Show hosted by the University of Guelph, please come if you can the dates and times are:
Thursday & Friday November 19 & 20
Saturday the 21st 10-5
Sunday the 22nd 11-5
For directions or any other info please see:
I have been wroking tirelessly in the studio the past few days and have some wonderful Opal and unique jaspers coming, including some cuff links for the guys, so please come and check them out!!!
I will try to post some before the show, if not, just stay tuned and lots of creativity has been bubbling!!!
Well, The sunshine is shining, so I must go and bask.... will see you all very soon!!
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