All the little Pretties...
December 06, 2009
Helloooo darlings!!!
Hope you all enjoyed this fantastic weekend!! The air was sooo crisp and fresh, It reminded me so much of what I Love about wintertime!!!
I won't get into what I love and dislike about the cold, as I often fly away for most of the season, but I am actually really looking forward to sticking around for part of January this year...
One of my main missions (of many) this week is to get some winter tires... I know I have left it super last minute, but whats a girl to do.... I get soooo carried away with all the sparkly little beauties in my studio, that I put things off until they MUST get done!!
Well, so here is the beginning of an abundant and fruitful fingers are black and rough.... (the way they should be) I love flaunting my artsy working hands.... they are so uniquely mine...

Please stay tuned as I will be posting the rest tomorrow night..
Ang is working tirelessly to photograph all the pieces!! We finished an record breaking amount of pieces this week!!! The Moon was bright and the creativity was flowing faster than the tides...
Most of these will be coming to Ottawa with me, but if you fall in love with one before I leave on Wednesday, just drop me a line!!
Sweet Dreams
[caption id="attachment_203" align="alignleft" width="481" caption="Merlin Mountain (Merlinite and Opal) Sorry, already sold"]

[caption id="attachment_204" align="alignleft" width="480" caption="" A long days a done" with Tiffany Stone - $345 "]

[caption id="attachment_205" align="alignleft" width="481" caption=""Sweet Dreams" with Cobalto Calcite - $365"]


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