Snowy Owl moon goddess

The completing of a piece with this power and essence doesn’t come easy. it takes hours of design, hours of planning hours of sitting and connecting these owl spirits that have been coming to me for years... it is up to me to notice and be present. Sitting with her, her teachings her story isn’t always an easy task. Her story is one of great sadness... her habitat is disappearing and changing. She must travel further south every year in search for food.  Her new Southern habitat is different. There are people, cars, lights, noise. She must reinvent and relearn daily how to keep herself alive.

I made this sweet beauty as a prayer. That she may continue to soar and thrive in the wilds. A percentage of the profits for this piece will be donated to @theowlfoundation

This piece is available and features a lovely little snowy owl face from the lovely @lauramears and the stone is a beautiful piece of Ethiopian opal

The magic and wonder of owl Medicine. This one of a kind soul piece is all about rooting and grounding... connecting to both the earth and sky. 
includes 18” sterling silver chain

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